LEICA Apo-Summicron-M 2.0/50mm ASPH
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Info sui prodotti "LEICA Apo-Summicron-M 2.0/50mm ASPH"
LEICA APO-Summicron-M 2.0/50mm ASPH. Year of manufacture 2013, very good condition with quiver
Great technology:
The lens is the first to fully exploit the possibilities of modern, high-resolution camera systems and redefine imaging performance. Without compromising on image sharpness, it achieves previously unattainable values in all technical performance characteristics. This enables extremely sharp images with details right into the corners of the image in all shooting situations.
Venduto da
Leica Store
Munich Brienner Straße
Munich Brienner Straße
Brienner Straße 7
80333 Munich, Germania
+49 (0) 89 260 100 00
80333 Munich, Germania
+49 (0) 89 260 100 00